Connection: Attendees: Fred, Yohan, Adam, Timea, Sasha, Gemma, Allison, Hongli, Roberto, Alex, Ant, Nathalie, Amy, Fabien, Tapas Not attending: Manuel For memory: Minutes from our last telecon Members and their main interests Agenda:
→ to be used as a model toward which the high-resolution Tdust images should converge
Tight noise: sigma/2 for LABOCA (870) and ALMA B3 (3000); sigma/4 for ALMA B6 (1300). Gaussian noise is assumed and levels are calculated for each map as a first step of PPMAP. These noise levels are used in the SED fit. The effect of a non-Gaussian noise on the PPMAP results should be checked… If we were to impose some weights for the different wavelengths, PPMAP would need to be modified. → not for now! Temperature increases from the ‘normal noise’ to ‘half noise’ and the ‘tight noise’ runs. Be careful! The “tight noise” run gives temperatures closer to that of the Herschel run.
The SED fit gets worse to the 70 micron point and a s a consequence the small heating toward MM2 is lost → the 60’’-filtering run seems more reasonable
Preliminary conclusions: → The 60’’-filtering run seems better than the 30’’-filtering run → The ‘tight noise’ run gives temperature in the background that better corresponds to that of the Herschel run. → The run without B3 gives better Tdust values close to/but off the HII region. → Could we combine the Herschel-only map and 60’’-filtering ‘tight-noise’ map to have a continuous Tdust image? Could we fit SEDs on each pixel just dropping the negative flux?
Not discussed today
Connection: Attendees: Fred, Yohan, Jeff, Amy, Nathalie, Sasha, Gemma, Allison, Roberto, Patricio, Nichol, Adam, Thomas, Leo, Alex, HongLi, Fabrice, Sylvain, Timea, Tapas, Quang, Ant Not attending: Fabien For memory: Minutes from our last telecon Members and their main interests Agenda:
W43-MM2MM3_1mm_cohe_sm_sk06.fits W43-MM2MM3_3mm_cohe_sm_sk05.fits Measurements: original images, PB-corrected W43-MM2MM3_1mm_bsens.fits W43-MM2MM3_1mm_cleanest.fits W43-MM2MM3_3mm_bsens.fits W43-MM2MM3_3mm_cleanest.fits → Final extraction to be done with getsf and GExt2D. Question to Sasha: is it possible to spare time and not measure cores’ parameters on the W43-MM2MM3_1mm_cohe_sm_sk06.fits and W43-MM2MM3_3mm_cohe_sm_sk06.fits maps? Answer: Sure!
Here is the GitHub link : Please only circulate this link between consortium members
Questions to Alex: → why is the PPMAP coverage smaller than the 1mm ALMA coverage? Some cores fall outside the Tdust map… Answer: image cropped to avoid edge effect, filtering will solve this issue. → why such squared regions? Answer: edge effects as well, not present anymore in the new image → A couple of cores lie over the cold (10K) artefact created when fitting a modified blackbody toward pixels whose the 3mm emission is largely contaminated by free-free emission. Is there a method to ignore the 3mm image when fitting the SED of these pixels? Answer: Alex could substitute a model wo 3mm to the black rounded artefact on the image Adam: To mitigate/remove the free-free emission, we could in the future use the H41alpha image or VLA emission. Question to Fabrice/Nathalie: → Do you confirm the “hot core” nature of the red sources?
Jeff’s presentation from last week. Comments? * Max recov. scale = ~0.6 x \lambda/Lmin See equation nº6.1 (p53) in
optical thickness to be treated (70 micron, 1mm?)
[This information cannot be used for the 1st mass estimates we’ll make but we can expect publishing more corrected core temperature and thus mass measurements in the future.]