Connection: Attendees: Fred, Sasha, Nathalie, Yohan, Hongli, Mélanie, Ant, Fabien, Fabrice, Adam, Alex, Alison, Antoine, Jeff, Thomas, Patricio, Tapas, Timea Not attending: Gemma For memory: Minutes from our last telecon Activities of the Core Working Group Members and their main interests Agenda:
Preliminary CMF: powerlaw fit? with -1 instead of 1.35 (Salpeter) Tdust images: PPMAP with validation by modelling of a few sources with Hyperion → Hyperion code could be used for the SED fit of 1/ the whole ALMA-IMF fields, when no published luminosity exists (done for W43-MM2) and 2/ some specific cores in our ALMA-IMF fields Other people interested to make similar work: - Fabrice - Theo Richardson’s project (PhD with Adam): expanding Robitaille 2017 grid, connecting it with protostellar evolution models
With Getx2D, significance still need to be investigated before catalogs are made Nothing done for Dendrogram yet → Benchmark images to be used → Need to contact Erik for Dendrograms
PPMAP experts: → Ken Marsh (IPAC) and Alex Howard (in a company from Monday on) → Matt Smith from Cardiff (extragalactic focus) → Ana XX (SNR astronomer) → Hands-on? Interested people: From France: Fabrice Herpin, Fred, Yohan, Antoine, Mélanie?, From US: Allison Towner, Adam From Mexico: Thomas?
Not discussed today...