Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Not attending: Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 10:00 Chile / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: Outflows (Thomas) Last month I inspected the W43-MM2 & MM3 SiO cubes and compared it to the first catalogue (112 cores). I found 37 outflow lobes from 26 cores. I am now looking at MM2 CO cube with the latest catalogue (196 cores).
Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Gemma, Amy, Nichol, Fred, Sylvain, Leo, HongLi Not attending: Adam Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: Please fill out agenda items here!
→ AMY: for Gaia eDR3, it *may* be useful to try to pull out variable sources, under the assumption that YSOs and “young stars”, that is CLass III, are more variable. Maybe this could be accomplished using the Gaia parameters for the rms inthe G band fluxes. Perhaps something like: var(G) =? phot_g_b_obs^1/2 phot_flux_over_error Or similar. In any case, phot_flux_over_error was a parameter in the Gaia DR2 catalog. There should be a similar / same metric in eDR3 for the flux variability that Gaia observes. This could be used to construct a metric for variability to capture CLass IIIs that might be misses by e.g. WISE + Spitzer. This might also capture younger stars, but needs to be tested. → AMY notes: Contact Peretto / Svoboda for fitting N2H+ Nichol: Line fitting tools/ I am starting to look at the N2H+ cubes and I was curious if anyone already has their own methods or has experience with tools like ROHSA etc that they are using/have used to fit the hyperfine structure when there are multiple components present. → Gemma: Hyperfine Structure fitting program from Robert Estalella (Estalella 2017) Here you can find all the information on how it works and also to download the code: Pyspeckit’s n2h+ module: Reminder from previous agenda: -Globus is unavailable until Jan 11 - Tools for downloads from Globus: Roberto: since the cubes are being made constantly, rather than waiting for an announcement, one way of checking for cube availability and download groups of them is outlined here: Where to look at things that are currently in the Florida server? scigoals/concatlist.txt scigoals/contsub_list.txt scigoals/file_list.txt scigoals/file_tree.txt |
Telecon calendar
Time: 08:00 EST every 2 weeks on Tuesday Zoom meeting: Archives
July 2021