ALMA-IMF Kinematics Telecon - June 30, 2020
Attendees: AS, HL, SB, Gemma, Antoine, Fred (late), Adam, Roberto, Nichol+ many more Not attending: Agenda: Preliminary agenda: 1. Initial comparison between 12m vs. 12m+7m N2H+ data in one region: HongLi 2. Initial discussion on line fitter and modeling (N2H+): Brian Svoboda (possible discussion: adaptation to N2H+, priors and implementation, and a possible tutorial time in the near future) Data are located here: Nichol: download Globus ap to download data, need to setup download staging area(?) in ap. Then can obtain data. It still does not give me the download option, but it allows me to transfer data into the folder I have linked when clicking on the transfer or sync button. You need to specify in the search tab here which endpoint you want to transfer to, and this is linked to the folder you assigned during the download. Maybe, this is a convoluted way and there is an easier one, but it works for now! Amy: For me, currently, I am still having some issues with accessing the above globus link. No idea why. I will report back as soon as it is solved. Access successful, try this link for the N2H+ data specifically: Download globus ap here (I believe): Quick look page of data: almaimf / September19arr
ALMA-IMF Kinematics Telecon - June 16, 2020 Attendees: Amy, AG, GB, HL, LM, KM, SB, PS, ++ many more Not attending: Fred, Antoine Agenda:
---> Coordination with DR team & hot cores WG. ---> Status of line reductions. ---> As the line DRs firm up (in process now), we aim to develop more concrete paper plans, science topics. Including but not limited to: N2H+ & C18O kinematics as a function of evolutionary state; SiO shocks vs. evolutionary state. Particular regions vs. full sample. ---> Any other business (AOB)? What am I missing?
DCO+ DCN, N2D+ HNC ?? Do we have? No sure its in? HL: Not included... 13CS --> rotation features in cores. SiO, SO --> get them shocks!
AS: important criteria: need extended emission in some tracers, not all. good to keep this in mind, not all lines require the more complex reductions of combining 12+7+TP. BUt some do. N2H+ --> quick look cubes reduced. only 12 m included. reasonable shape. have some combined + 7m cubes, but quality not clear. Lee --> C18O looked "blobby" has anyone looked at 7m? has anyone looked at single dish only? answer seems to be "No", but could we look? GB: what about total power. need to include. so need 12 + 7 + TP. AS strongly agrees w/ this point. AG: 12+7 look bad. problem in the cleaning? 7 m data noisy. informed by continuum. friday at 9:00 EDT, look at data. if you want data, email AG to get test region. KM: C180 + N2H+ --> quiescent cold cores. not only hot cores but cold cores. HL: interested in 12m data, core scale kin, evolution. method to tackle complex spectral profiles of N2H+ N2H+ line profiles are complex AG: See NH3 fitting in context of Green Bank ammonia surveys, see talk at ALMA-IMF meeting for example. plenty of tools out there LM (+ AS) --> core velocities super interesting!!
GB + AS + HL to start analyzing these for assessment. |
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July 2021