Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Not attending: Gemma Time: 12:00 UT (Morelia = UT - 5; Chile = EST = UT - 4; JST = UT + 9; CEST = UT + 2; …) Join Zoom Meeting Preliminary agenda:
To do: bug some outflow people for progress reports. From previous telecon, for our memory, some to-do’s (mainly for Amy): To do’s: → Possibly feather the W43-MM1 region, see if velocity patterns persist, Nichol to provide 7+12 data → Send G353 feathered and 7+12 versions to JF for MnGSeg analysis → AMS to contact BS re:nestfit in G353 as an example, show us how to run? → this is pending. → Did I miss more items??
Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Amy, Adam, Nichol, Rodrigo, Nicolas, Melanie, Leonardo, Thomas, Simon, Allison, Gemma Not attending: Time: 12:00 UT (Morelia = UT - 5; Chile = EST = UT - 4; JST = UT + 9; CEST = UT + 2; …) Join Zoom Meeting Agenda items:
To do’s: → Possibly feather the W43-MM1 region, see if velocity patterns persist, Nichol to provide 7+12 data → Send G353 feathered and 7+12 versions to JF for MnGSeg analysis → AMS to contact BS re:nestfit in G353 as an example, show us how to run? → Did I miss more items?? Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Amy, Timea, Fred, Rodrigo, Allison, Daniel, Fabrice, Meliane, Nico, Roberto, Tapas, Nichol, Adam, Gemma Not attending: Time: 12:00 UT (Morelia = UT - 5; Chile = EST = UT - 4; JST = UT + 9; CEST = UT + 2; …) Join Zoom Meeting Agenda items:
Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Not attending: Time: 12:00 UT (Morelia = UT - 5; Chile = EST = UT - 4; JST = UT + 9; CEST = UT + 2; …) Join Zoom Meeting Building on the progress from our workshop, we would like to discuss some analysis methods (filament identification, Brian's line fitter, other fitters). If there is time, some preliminary Gaia analysis *might* be presented (but probably still a bit premature…) In addition, during the workshop, some *very* interesting ideas on cloud rotation were briefly discussed behind the scenes (Braine et al. 2018, 2020; links below). Depending on availability, we might discuss these. for the M33 paper for the M51 paper Any outflow progress reports? **ALMA proposal ideas / discussions? Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Gemma, Amy, Nicolas, Fred, Maxime, Adam, Nichol, Mélanie, Tapas, Simon, Leo, Thomas, allison, Rodrigo, Erik Not attending: Time: 12:00 UT (Morelia = UT - 5; Chile = EST = UT - 4; JST = UT + 9; CEST = UT + 2; …) Join Zoom Meeting Discussion points: Available 12 m cubes - residual comparison. Initial steps / bugs in feathering w/ TP. Outflow updates? Thomas: No new results on outflows in W43-MM2/MM3. I am putting the outflow-core association in an article about the nature of cores. Allison: Nothing exciting to add. Work is continuing. Meeting with Thomas on Wednesday to compare results for W43 regions (my SiO-only results compared to his SiO+CO-informed results) From Erik: Hi Amy -- The timeslot can be challenging because of other telecons. However, I think they are planning to cancel, so I may actually make this call. If I don't, I did want to let you know that we've put out the signal masking and noises modelling routines used for the PHANGS project here: If this is useful and/or needs adaptation for ALMA-IMF stuff, I'm happy to help! best wishes, e. Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Amy, Gemma, Mélisse, Sylvain, Fred, Thomas, Gemma, Adam, Maxime, Leo, Mélisse, Mélanie, Nicolas, Rodrigo, Fabien, Simon, Allison, Nichol Not attending: Jonathan Braine (who has missed many meetings but reads the googledocs) Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 10:00 Chile / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: 1. Plan for March 22 - 26th ALMA-IMF workshop. In particular, Thursday March 25 we have a KWG session planned. Current parameters:
For the workshop, we seek any and all people who wish to present. We would be very happy with preliminary / starting projects, data discussion, etc. That is, this is not formal and we do not need the pressure of feeling we must present digested “results”. Ultimately, we would like to trigger discussion. Anyway, this should be useful to you, so we can discuss what you would like to contribute. And from there I can develop a more concrete schedule. 2. It would seem that 12 m + 7 m data for the N2H+ (maybe other lines too) is appearing on Globus. I believe that these data are the results of *big* efforts by Nichol, combined w/ the DR team. Should discuss these, formulate a plan for QA etc, and make sure they can be looked at by those interested. This is a major step toward full cubes accessing the extended emission, i.e. 12 + 7 + TP, so is very exciting! 3. Anything else you want to add here? Gemma: I looked at the new line cubes of G351 (N2H+(1-0) and C18O(2-1)). Here I copy the link to the document showing the images: Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Not attending: Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 10:00 Chile / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: Outflows (Thomas) Last month I inspected the W43-MM2 & MM3 SiO cubes and compared it to the first catalogue (112 cores). I found 37 outflow lobes from 26 cores. I am now looking at MM2 CO cube with the latest catalogue (196 cores). Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Gemma, Amy, Nichol, Fred, Sylvain, Leo, HongLi Not attending: Adam Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: Please fill out agenda items here!
→ AMY: for Gaia eDR3, it *may* be useful to try to pull out variable sources, under the assumption that YSOs and “young stars”, that is CLass III, are more variable. Maybe this could be accomplished using the Gaia parameters for the rms inthe G band fluxes. Perhaps something like: var(G) =? phot_g_b_obs^1/2 phot_flux_over_error Or similar. In any case, phot_flux_over_error was a parameter in the Gaia DR2 catalog. There should be a similar / same metric in eDR3 for the flux variability that Gaia observes. This could be used to construct a metric for variability to capture CLass IIIs that might be misses by e.g. WISE + Spitzer. This might also capture younger stars, but needs to be tested. → AMY notes: Contact Peretto / Svoboda for fitting N2H+ Nichol: Line fitting tools/ I am starting to look at the N2H+ cubes and I was curious if anyone already has their own methods or has experience with tools like ROHSA etc that they are using/have used to fit the hyperfine structure when there are multiple components present. → Gemma: Hyperfine Structure fitting program from Robert Estalella (Estalella 2017) Here you can find all the information on how it works and also to download the code: Pyspeckit’s n2h+ module: Reminder from previous agenda: -Globus is unavailable until Jan 11 - Tools for downloads from Globus: Roberto: since the cubes are being made constantly, rather than waiting for an announcement, one way of checking for cube availability and download groups of them is outlined here: Where to look at things that are currently in the Florida server? scigoals/concatlist.txt scigoals/contsub_list.txt scigoals/file_list.txt scigoals/file_tree.txt Kinematics WG activities
Attendees: Amy, Fred, Sylvain, Adam, Fabrice, John, Gemma, Roberto, Timea, Nichol, Tapas, Mélanie, Mélisse, Leonardo, Patricio, Fernando, Allison, Thomas Not attending: Fumitaka, Antoine Time: 13:00 UTC / 08:00 EST / 14:00 CET / 21:00 CST / 22:00 JST Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: - Status of line cubes (e.g. N2H+ zoom-in reduction, non-cont-sub, no 7m included) Have people accessed the data? Are the cubes available? No announcement made as of writing this. - Tools for downloads: Roberto: since the cubes are being made constantly, rather than waiting for an announcement, one way of checking for cube availability and download groups of them is outlined here: Tomorrow I can show it in the telecon - Outflow work:
ALMA-IMF Kinematics Telecon - Oct. 27, 2020
Attendees: Gemma, Amy , Adam, Tapas, Rodrigo, Allison, & more Not attending: Join Zoom Meeting Agenda: Determine science cases that fit DR constraints. Discuss preferred lines and regions. E.g.: Gemma + Amy discussion Monday Oct. 19 (proposed priorities for regions and lines): Regions: G328, G351, G353 Lines: Priority 1: N2H+, N2D+, C18O P2: 13CS, DCO+ P3: DCN Tapas: G12 → N2H+ N2H+ fitting codes: Brian Svoboda’s code? ALMA-IMF Kinematics Telecon - June 30, 2020
Attendees: AS, HL, SB, Gemma, Antoine, Fred (late), Adam, Roberto, Nichol+ many more Not attending: Agenda: Preliminary agenda: 1. Initial comparison between 12m vs. 12m+7m N2H+ data in one region: HongLi 2. Initial discussion on line fitter and modeling (N2H+): Brian Svoboda (possible discussion: adaptation to N2H+, priors and implementation, and a possible tutorial time in the near future) Data are located here: Nichol: download Globus ap to download data, need to setup download staging area(?) in ap. Then can obtain data. It still does not give me the download option, but it allows me to transfer data into the folder I have linked when clicking on the transfer or sync button. You need to specify in the search tab here which endpoint you want to transfer to, and this is linked to the folder you assigned during the download. Maybe, this is a convoluted way and there is an easier one, but it works for now! Amy: For me, currently, I am still having some issues with accessing the above globus link. No idea why. I will report back as soon as it is solved. Access successful, try this link for the N2H+ data specifically: Download globus ap here (I believe): Quick look page of data: almaimf / September19arr ALMA-IMF Kinematics Telecon - June 16, 2020 Attendees: Amy, AG, GB, HL, LM, KM, SB, PS, ++ many more Not attending: Fred, Antoine Agenda:
---> Coordination with DR team & hot cores WG. ---> Status of line reductions. ---> As the line DRs firm up (in process now), we aim to develop more concrete paper plans, science topics. Including but not limited to: N2H+ & C18O kinematics as a function of evolutionary state; SiO shocks vs. evolutionary state. Particular regions vs. full sample. ---> Any other business (AOB)? What am I missing?
DCO+ DCN, N2D+ HNC ?? Do we have? No sure its in? HL: Not included... 13CS --> rotation features in cores. SiO, SO --> get them shocks!
AS: important criteria: need extended emission in some tracers, not all. good to keep this in mind, not all lines require the more complex reductions of combining 12+7+TP. BUt some do. N2H+ --> quick look cubes reduced. only 12 m included. reasonable shape. have some combined + 7m cubes, but quality not clear. Lee --> C18O looked "blobby" has anyone looked at 7m? has anyone looked at single dish only? answer seems to be "No", but could we look? GB: what about total power. need to include. so need 12 + 7 + TP. AS strongly agrees w/ this point. AG: 12+7 look bad. problem in the cleaning? 7 m data noisy. informed by continuum. friday at 9:00 EDT, look at data. if you want data, email AG to get test region. KM: C180 + N2H+ --> quiescent cold cores. not only hot cores but cold cores. HL: interested in 12m data, core scale kin, evolution. method to tackle complex spectral profiles of N2H+ N2H+ line profiles are complex AG: See NH3 fitting in context of Green Bank ammonia surveys, see talk at ALMA-IMF meeting for example. plenty of tools out there LM (+ AS) --> core velocities super interesting!!
GB + AS + HL to start analyzing these for assessment. |
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